The way forward is together.
Today, we face our toughest test.
The Trump administration has unleashed a horrific firehose of executive orders and threatened our freedoms, families, and futures.
Feeling overwhelmed, even hopeless?
You’re not alone—and that’s by design. The administration’s attacks on people and institutions are intended to leave us feeling so powerless that we throw up our hands in surrender.
The good news: There’s a path forward.
We can do this.
Political scientist Erica Chenoweth discovered that 50% of nonviolent resistance movements toppled unjust regimes within one year. And when those movements grew in size and diversity, and at least 3.5% of the population sustained active engagement—they won.
That’s right.
Three. Point five. Percent.
How can we play our part?
Share stories that inspire our families, friends & neighbors to hope
We can drive transformational change, and it all begins with face-to-face conversations. If an autocrat’s power lies in their ability to create fear and division (and it does), we’ll counter it with hope and connection.
Create resilient communities that embrace diversity & creativity
Together, we’ll nurture a culture of compassion, caring, service, and joy—one that strengthens us so we can face what lies ahead with courage and integrity.
Build a coalition committed to nonviolent resistance & refusal
Opening lines of communication with local organizations, we’ll engage with those already doing the work and take creative action when we spot opportunities and unmet needs.

When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.